Support Us


In the past thirty nine years CNS has provided a unique educational experience for hundreds of preschoolers. We often get visits by alumni students and parents alike that share how much they benefitted from their experiences in the school.

Please support our commitment to early childhood education by clicking the donate button:

Your donation will touch more than our students alone:

  • In the spring of 2014, CNS hosted a public lecture series at Portland’s Parkside Neighborhood Center addressing affordable and accessible preschool to all.
  • Since 2011, CNS has developed a loving relationship with our neighbors at Seventy-Five State Street, an independent and assisted-living facility. Monthly the facility’s residents welcome our students for visits making for wonderful intergenerational experiences.

There are also some easy ways to support CNS in addition to direct donations:

  • Amazon Smile
    When you shop Amazon via this special link, a percentage of your purchase is donated to the charity of your choice. Please search for The Children’s Nursery School.
  • Amazon Wishlist
    Want to purchase items needed for the classroom? CNS has an Amazon Wishlist with a range of options.
    Ask a CNS family member or CNS teacher for CLYNK tags or sign up to donate online at

